Retreat with us on a restorative long weekend of mindful movement and self-care. Our days will be filled with restorative yin yoga, meditation, conscious conversation and delicious plant based, high
Retreat with us on a restorative long weekend of mindful movement and self-care. Our days will be filled with restorative yin yoga, meditation, conscious conversation and delicious plant based, high
For me, to retreat means non-identification with thought, a break from Ego, to unplug from the matrix and to take a break from news and social media. Sounds good, doesn’t it?
The ancient Enneagram is a personality assessment tool and a great starting point for self-development. Each of the nine Enneagram types has a line of growth and release.
According to the ancient Enneagram assessment there are 9 types of personality in humankind. Your type is the core lens through which you interpret reality. Each core type has a Release and Growth Line.
By nature, we all have one core lens through which we interpret the world. And by nature, we all have a point of release during times of distress. The Enneagram can help you find yours, and with that, peace, and calm in times of distress.
Are you a good listener? Or are you simply listening to respond, to get in your five cents of wisdom?
Life begins to happen for us instead of to us when we deliberately step out of our heads and use language to move into action.
We are already “boxed” by nature and nurture. The aim of the Enneagram is for us to see our box, the 95% subconscious, and climb out of it.
Wishful thinking is not enough when it comes to the law of attraction and manifestation. I hate to burst the bubble of splendid plans and wishful affirmations, but it is important to understand that we do need to take responsibility and play our part in this game called life.
Motivation is overrated. It is an illusion and if you wait for motivation to kick in, you may never love yourself and never treat your body as you would your best friend.